Wandlyn Way

The Wandlyn Way provides wizards with all their magical needs.
Make your way to the alley through the Hole In The Wall Pub. Here you will find the hidden entrance to Wandlyn Way with shops that carry spells and wands, robes and books, plants and animals, sweet treats and a magical gifts.
The base of each kit includes a cobblestone walkway so your wizards can walk from shop to shop.
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WW#1 The Hedge Witch
A hedge witch from Shropshire opened the first Wandlyn Way shop in 1825. The shop, obviously called The Hedge Witch, is now run by her great great granddaughter Herbalia and continues to supply a wondrous selection of magikal plants and garden necessities.
The kit includes everything shown in the exterior photos: wrought iron fence, plants, pond, garden bench and cats. In the interior, printed floors, window and door trim are also included. The base has a carved cobblestone walk and area for a front garden. The base size is 4”w x 6”deep. The shop itself is 2 ½” deep and 6.3” high with 2 floors.
Price $75 US/ $90 CDN plus shipping

A completer set of interior furnishings is available. It includes furniture for the ground floor: a potting bench, stool, dry sink, wall shelf, hutch, storage bin for graveyard dirt, and laser cut leaves to fill the pots, seedling trays and planter. Furniture for the 2nd floor includes the woodland bed, woodland table, willow chair and a leaf chair for the balcony.
The completer set of 10 pieces is $55.

WW#2 Leaden Gold ~ The Alchemist
The Alchemist Shop was opened by the mysterious Leaden Gold. He insisted on being called The GREAT Gold” even though no one had ever heard of him at the time. He was an Alchemist and he boasted that his shop stocked everything a wizard could ever need. Certainly it offered all kinds of chemicals and supplies for potions, bottles of interesting liquids, cauldrons for cooking said potions, broom sticks, walking sticks, crystal balls and miscellaneous one of a kind oddities that delighted the wizard population. Upstairs he had his laboratory where he followed the alchemist’s quest to change lead into gold.
The kit includes everything shown in the exterior photo: Carved stone front, courtyard walls, windows, carved door, and front portico. The sides are not carved as the shops on each side will cover most of them. In the interior, printed floors, staircase, window and door trim are also included. The base has a carved cobblestone walk to match all the shops in the Wandlyn Way. The base size is 5”w x 6”deep. The shop itself is 4” deep and 6.5” high with 2 floors.
Price $90 US/ $105 CDN plus shipping
All Your Alchemy Supplies
A set of interior furnishings is available. It includes furniture for the ground floor: 2 Wall shelf units, shop counter, stool, curved front display counter, apothecary jars, barrels, and lots of jars to fill the shelves. I’m particularly fond of the weigh scales. The 2nd floor is the work shop and it contains; a table, desk, 2 chairs, apothecary cabinet, standing candelabra, a trunk.
The completer set is $75.

WW#3 Wands & Incantations
The 3rd shop in Wandlyn Way was opened Tobias Bartholomew. He built a wand shaped tower to advertise his merchandise and lived in the 2nd and 3rd floors above the shop. Ladders provide access to the upper floors and the 3rd floor has a railing around the opening in case Tobias walks in his sleep.
The Wand shop kit includes everything shown in the photo. Printed flooring, railing and ladders, windows, carved door, hanging sign, weather vane and carved base. The base size is 3.6”w x 6”deep. The shop itself is 3” deep and 9.75” high with 3 floors.
Price $75 US/ $90 CDN plus shipping

Choose your Perfect Wand
A completer set of interior furnishings is available. Special wizard designs with stars and wands are carved in several pieces. The set includes furniture for the ground floor: Wall shelf unit, carved shop counter, high stool, scroll cabinet, carved cupboard wand boxes, wands and scrolls. The Second floor is the sitting room and it contains; a small table, carved throne, Griffon chair, Tudor sideboard and fireplace. The 3rd floor has a wizard’s bed and carved armoire.
The 12 piece completer set is $85.

WW#4 Quill & Quire
Nervil Hessenphefer began collecting books when he was an apprentice wizard and bookbinder in Amsterdam. He always planned to open his own book shop and Wandlyn Way offered the perfect location. No competition. Grimoires, histories, journals, encyclopaedias and fiction fill the shelves in the Quill & Quire. Nervil has a stock pile of unread and out of date books in storage under the stairs and they seem to be spreading to his apartment in the attic.
The basic kit could be any kind of shop or tearoom or pub. It has 3 floors and includes interior stairs, railings, printed floors, interior and exterior trim, windows and doors, shingles, hanging lanterns and window seats. Please note the 2nd floor wall of bookcases are not included in the basic kit. The base has a carve cobblestone walk to match the other shops in the series and is 6” deep X 6” wide. The shop itself is 4.5” deep and 8” high.
Price $90 US/ $105 CDN plus shipping
You can never have too many books
A completer set of furniture is available. It includes 2 large wall shelf units, shop counter, shop stool, step display shelf, barred bookcase, pedestal table, lectern, bed, small bookcase, trunk, chest, rocking chair, and enough books to fill the shop.
The completer set is $75.

WW#5 The Warped Web
The Warped Web is owned by the seamstress, Arachnia Weaver. She is a very talented witch and she keeps the shop stocked with a fine selection of everyday robes, dress robes and the occasional invisible cloak. Unfortunately the cloaks do not sell very well as no one ever seems to see them on the shelf.
The basic kit could be any kind of shop or tearoom or pub. The Queen Anne style building has 2 floors and an attic. The kit includes exterior stairs, railings, printed floors, interior and exterior trim, windows and doors, shingles, awning, a planter and a few extra cobwebs. The base has a carved cobblestone walk to match the other shops in the series and is 6” deep X 4 1/4” wide. The shop itself is 4” deep and 8” high.
Price $90 US/ $100 CDN plus shipping

The completer set of furniture includes a large wall unit, counter, 2 cobweb chairs, 2 mannequins, standing mirror, 2 hat stands, a candelabra, a coat rack, a long clothes rack, coat hangers, sewing machine, 3 wrought iron chairs, a small round table, a Gothic table, shelves for fabric, a bed and bedside table.
Patterns for robes and hats are included. These can be made from paper (or fabric, which is not included.)
The completer set is $100

WW#6 The Sticky Cauldron
he Sticky Cauldron is the kind of sweet shop you dream about. Every candy and treat from every season is available all year round. The wonderful scent of baking and boiling taffy that wafts down the stairs from the bakery on the second floor will pull you through the door of the shop before you know it. Wizards on a diet tend to use ‘snuffed up nose’ spells before they venture past the shop.
The cuckoo clock style building has 2 floors and a cuckoo in the top window.
The kit includes stairs, railings, printed floors, exterior gingerbread trim, windows and doors, shingles, window boxes and candy canes and suckers. The base has a carved cobblestone walk to match the other shops in the series and is 6” deep X 5 3/4” wide. The shop itself is 4 1/2” deep and 8” high.
Price $90 US/ $100 CDN plus shipping

The completer set of furniture includes a large wall unit, counter, counter stool, display cabinet, pedestal table, 2 sideboards, and candy jars, cookies, candy canes, gingerbread houses, Easter bunnies, baskets and cake pedestals for the shop. Upstairs there is a wood stove, kitchen table, 4 chairs, hutch, canisters, and baking sheets. The completer set is $100 .

WW# 7 The Crystal Cat
Melanie Du Bois built a little shop that reminded her of home in Savanah. She imported all kinds of lovely objects for her shop and named it for the magical crystal cat that was her constant companion.
Upstairs, Sean TwoSkies opened a shop that combined his Celtic and Native heritage. The Green Man carried unusual pottery scrying bowls, feathered ceremonial headdresses and totem carvings. There was also a large selection of native herbs and roots for spirit quests and connecting with the spirits of the woods.
Based on a building found in Savanah, GA., the shop has 2 floors and a balcony with intricate “wrought iron’ railings. The kit includes everything shown in the photo; base with carved cobblestone walk, windows, doors, printed floors, staircase, railings, and shutters, . The base is 5 ” wide and 6″ deep. The shop is 3 1/2″ deep, 8″ high.
The shop kit is $90 US / $100 CDNplus shipping

A completer set of furniture is available. It includes a large wall unit, chairs, round tables, desks, settee, chest and accessories to put on the shelves. Everything shown in the photo .
The full completer set is $90

WW#8 Gore & DeFoe
At the end of the lane is a dark alley where Gore & DeFoe have a hidden shop. The shop is filled with rather spooky weird items and things best left alone. Their neighbours upstairs ignore the alley and avoid its customers.
Tea and Tarot provides a quiet place to relax after an afternoon spent shopping and next door
Twitters can provide everything you need for your furred and feathered familiars.
The kit includes three separate shops and an alleyway. The balcony is sized to be an extention of the Crystal Cat balcony.
Carved cobblestone on the base extends into the alley. Windows, doors, printed floors, brick and stone, railings, and shutters are included The base is 6 ” wide and 6″ deep. The shop is 43 1/2″ deep, 9″ high.
The shop kit is $100 US / $120 CDN plus shipping.

The completer set of furniture includes furniture for all 3 shops; Animals & cages, Spooky mirror & skeleton, Dishes and posters as shown in the photo .
The full completer set is $145

WW#9 The Hole in the Wall
Every secret alley needs an entrance and the Hole in the Wall Pub provides the entrance to the Wandlyn Way. Mysterious individuals have been seeen leaving by the back alley door and not returning for hours at a time. The only thing in the alley is the outhouse…. surely they are not spending all that time in there!
This kit includes the two story pub and the cobblestoned back alley with the hidden entrance to the Wandlyn Way. The base matches up to the bases on the shops and the dividing wall has engraved stone on the Wandlyn Way side.
The shop kit is $95US/ $110 CDN plus shipping
The full completer set of furniture including the bar & bottles is $100 and shipping is free when combined with the building kit.

Cross the back alley behind the pub and enter the outhouse. If you have the right spell the wall will open to let you into the Wandlyn Way.